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Veterans Assistance

It is estimated that one-third of all mesothelioma patients served in the U.S. Military. Many of these veterans were exposed to asbestos during their military service. We outline on this page some of the assistance that we can provide veterans with mesothelioma. For the most complete information and help, request your free Meso Guide today.

Help with Financial Compensation

Our Meso Guide includes a Financial Compensation Booklet with user-friendly information for veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma. In the Meso Guide, veterans will find information about asbestos trust funds that may be able to provide compensation for many veterans. For example, many veterans with mesothelioma served on Navy ships in engineering spaces or in shipyards where Navy vessels were repaired or overhauled. Many of these Navy ships and shipyards have been included as “approved job sites” for many of the trust funds. This means that if a veteran with mesothelioma worked on a particular Navy ship and/or at a shipyard during particular years, then the veteran may qualify for payment of trust fund money. Filing a claim with an asbestos trust fund does not involving going to court or filing a lawsuit.

The Financial Compensation Booklet in our Meso Guide also has information for veterans about civil lawsuits that some veterans with mesothelioma decide to file in court. A veteran with mesothelioma is not permitted to file a civil lawsuit against the U.S. Government or the Navy. However, a veteran is able to sue private companies whose actions resulted in exposure to asbestos. This includes companies that sold asbestos-containing products to the government without adequate warning about asbestos. The Meso Guide provides information about many veterans that have obtained large verdicts and settlements in cases involving exposure to asbestos during military service.

Help with VA Benefits

When you contact us for your free Meso Guide, we can also assist you with your Veterans Administration benefits including possible VA claims. We will explain to you the interplay between the VA claims process and the other financial compensation options that you have, such as asbestos trust funds and civil lawsuits.

We can also connect you through our Doctor Match Program with the most experienced mesothelioma doctors and hospitals in the VA system. For example, at the VA in Boston veterans have access to the most advanced mesothelioma surgeries from a surgeon who also performs surgeries at one of the top mesothelioma centers in the United States. The VA in Boston also provides free quality housing for veterans that travel in for surgery or other mesothelioma treatments.

For more information, contact us today for your free Meso Guide.


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